
Sunday, September 29, 2013


Over the past couple of weeks, I've found myself sharing ideas that I have used or plan on trying out in my classroom.  I want to update everyone on the progress of some of my class projects as well as further learning based on what I have previously shared.

The first good news coming out of my classroom is our brand new fish tank! Within a couple of school days, I had a letter in my mailbox with coupons from Petsmart for a 10 gallon fish tank, the essentials, and the fish.  I am excited to bring it into school tomorrow for my students the help set up! We have been using this opportunity to use our free time during the day to research fish to possibly put in our tank.

We have also expanded our computer use for free time to include Wordle and Tagxedo.  Both sites create word clouds that can be specific to students interests for personal use, or based on a specific content.  I am still learning about Tagxedo, but information can be used from the internet to create word clouds on specific topics.  Next week, my class will be creating a word cloud to be posted in the classroom based on their brainstorm of "what it means to be American" from last week.

My last good news to share is that I have given Animoto access to my students to create independent study science projects.  Each student has their own science topic and is currently in the process of creating a video for their final project grade.  So far, they are very engaged and motivated to complete their work.  They will be finished up by the end of the week.  I can't wait to share them!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Art therapy

The students in my class work towards a weekly reward (Fun Friday) by earning points based on their effort, ability to follow directions, remaining on task, and being respectful of others.  In the past, students have chosen to use the computer to play games that are otherwise discouraged within my classroom.  This year, I have chosen to put together an art project for the students to work on that would span several class periods. 

Each Friday, I have several students who earn the chance to "skip" class time with me and complete an alternate, more enjoyable, activity.  Those students who have not earned the reward, use this time to complete unfinished work and organize their materials for the following week.  Since beginning the art projects, my students have had more of an incentive to earn the Fun Friday to see what the project would bring.

I use this time as an opportunity for my students to be more relaxed within the school environment, share information about themselves or their lives that otherwise would not be shared, and work together.  With students of varying ability in my small classroom, it is often a struggle to allow students to work together academically.  Although they do at times, the socialization of working together on an art assignment strengthens their skills to communicate their thoughts and create a final product.

Our first Fun Friday this year, we created yarn globes.  I found the directions on pinterest and tried it out.  Considering I am not naturally an artistic person, I did warn my students that this was a first attempt and opened the experience for suggestions.  We made group decisions about how to set up the classroom to hang our balloons, what our strategy would be, and eventually where to hang our final projects.

The experience was positive in that all of my students participated that earned the reward, some of them chose to sit out and help facilitate as those who had "clean hands" while others paired up to complete a globe.  We also had a student (paired with me) who abandoned his project because it became too frustrating for him.  Our globe was looking quite sad until another student joined the class and continued our work.  A true group effort!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Book groups

I finally created my first Animoto video! For my first attempt, I thought I'd create something simple that I can use multiple times throughout the year as well as from year to year.

I am going to be doing book groups this year rather than whole class novels.  I'd like my students to be able to choose books that they are interested in to encourage more reading.  I created a visual list of my bookshelf for my students to view in the beginning stages of choosing a book to read.  I thought it was less overwhelming/more fun than walking up to the bookshelf!

Pets in the Classroom

I'm constantly looking for ways to address the emotional needs of my students.  After several conversations with my principal, we decided to purchase an aquarium for my classroom to allow the students something to care for and practice responsibility.  We thought it would help alleviate some of the anxiety my students have when they are in school.

We came across this grant to help us out.  Thought others with similar classrooms might be interested.  It's pretty cool... check it out!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I've been exploring the use of Animoto videos for my class and am having a difficult time narrowing in my focus.  I love the idea of using it to teach/reinforce vocabulary across content areas.  I also like the idea of using Animoto to introduce new concepts to my class.

Some of the samples I have been looking at are student created to teach other students new learning.  Since I teach all content area classes with a small group, I have switched my next social studies unit to researching (much earlier in the year than planned).  I'd like my students to research parts of our country that are of interested to them and complete the research necessary to then create an Animoto to share with the class.  My students struggle with sharing their new learning with the class in the form of presenting, but they also strongly dislike writing.  For a content area class such as social studies, I find that this may be a way to allow the students in my group to learn information of higher interest to them as individuals, and then share with the class for whole group learning.  I'm still in the planning stages, but am excited to get started!

Grade 4 student work samples have been posted in Rosina's blog.  If her 4th graders can complete these so well based on a chosen endangered animal, my students will definitely be able to complete this for social studies!

How are you using Animoto in your classroom?

Computer use

I'm looking for a way to allow my students access to the computer for free time when they are finished with their work, but keeping it school related.

Last year, I had a hard time keeping students off of social networking sites (that they found access to around our school's firewall).  This created several negative social situations within my classroom as well as the building.  They also played games that were ongoing and had no educational purpose.

This year, I have created a list of approved websites based on the links found on teacher pages within my building.  They cross the content areas and allow students to choose a subject to content area, but I'm already learning that my students strongly dislike my list :)

Science News
Free Rice
Student News
Sheppard Software
Arcademic Skill Builders
School Tube - Just added to my list after I was told this is accessible to my students as an alternative to YouTube.

Does anyone have any suggestions to add to my list for middle school students?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I like to share inspirational videos to my students to motivate my students to overcome their daily challenges.  It allows my students to make connections to other students who may have similar struggles.  This was a favorite from last year...

Blogs in the classroom

I see many of my students for all content area classes and they are in grades 6-8, roughly on grade level.  One of my students is highly motivated by technology and asked me today if we could create a class blog! I have only the starts of ideas in terms of LA or Social Studies... my curriculum is pretty open due to the nature of my program.  Does anyone have creative thoughts on how to use a blog rather than simply "penpals" or for sharing class information home? Not so sure which direction I'd like to go...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Getting to know my students

With the majority of my students being new to the district this year, let alone my classroom, I felt it was even more important this year to take the time to get to know my students and allow each of them to learn about one another.  I also have a separate classroom across the hall from my actual classroom designed to allow students to take a break from their day when it becomes overwhelming, cool down from a stressful situation, or decompress after returning from the mainstream classroom.  This room looked, to me, a bit like a dungeon last year- white cinder block walls with a rocking chair, computer, and small table in it.  There was nothing on the walls and there were limited supplies to for the students to utilize.

I turned to Pinterest to gain new ideas on how to learn about my new students, gain a level of comfort with them by easing my students into the school year, and (of course) sprucing up the room.
Personality swirls - artistic representation of student interests
Puzzle pieces - great way for students to share information about themselves visually
Facebook page - not as visually appealing, but offers lots of information about new students

These projects have been a good start, but we definitely have room for suggestions to keep the creativity and the ownership of the cool down room going.  Any suggestions are welcome :)

The cool down room before.... still working on putting up the artwork for an "after" picture.