
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Digital Story

After much difficulty with getting imovie to work the way I wanted it to, I have a final copy of my digital tour! I frequently have new students in the Support Center and each year get a few from the elementary level.  I thought it would be a great way for new students to feel welcome in the group as well as give information about the program/visuals of the building.  Our building is very large and confusing to new staff and students, so leading the way to the classroom is the most important part!

I will be sharing this video with the elementary Support Center teachers to show the students they are sending along to me next year.  With high anxiety around transitioning to the middle school level, this can help students feel more comfortable before even stepping foot into the building. 

A few of my current students helped out with the recording, and were thrilled to be a part of the video.  They were very proud of their ability to read fluently and listen to themselves before approving their clip for the final product.  Reading fluency as well as voice intonation/volume are goals of several students within my group.  It was a great experience... I hope you like it :)

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